Sunday, September 16, 2007


ACCESS is a way for less privledged schools to get the same opportunities as other schools in Alabama. It provides ways for schools to have distance learning and advanced courses for students who may not have it available in their schools. There are various AP courses available for teachers to get information on and for students to take. They help to provide these schools with the technology and equipment to have these courses available.

Teachers from various schools can connect through videoconferencing to teach in different locations. Having online classes available increases teacher opportunities and resourses. They can connect with other teachers at many different schools. It could present a problem to keep students motivated online but there are also many more ways to try to do so. Online quizzes and practice tests along with the class syllabus and class notes are always available to help students. Plus, many young people now are very comfortable using computers and the internet and would rather do that than do work in a classroom.

All in all, ACCESS seems like a great resourse for both teachers and students. It's great that Alabama is working to have equal opportunities for all public schools.

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